Saturday, December 18, 2010

October Sky

Yes, this is a very old movie. It was made close to ten years ago! I was able to see this movie in school because its close to christmas break and the teachers have nothing planned for us to do. The story starts out in the town of Coalwood, West Virginia. People in the town grow up to become a coal miner or a football player. When the Sputnik flies over the town, it inspired a kid named Homer to start rocket building with a group of friends..... and a nerd. 

There were easily more pros than cons in this movie. The director did a perfect job of descibing Homer's life that i became attached to him, hoping nothing bad would happen. Another great thing was Homer's relationship with his father. It shows how even the most opposite people can still be friends. 

The plot was excellent. To be a kid that wants to do something other than mine coal and play football shows me that anyone can become what they want to be when they grow up. Even when everyone is doubting you, always give yourself a fighting chance. It also gives an idea of how the world left the industrial revolution. 

The movie does a great job with characters. Each actor provided great acting in every scene. 

The one thing i didn't like about the movie was that they kinda messed up the climax. When someone stole Homer's rocket piece at the national science fair, His dad sent him a piece by the morning. To me it feels rushed when his dad just suddenly loves Homer. We never see a cutscene describing why it happened

October Sky shows us that each and every one of us can be what we want when we grow up. It teaches us a life lesson of bravery and how dreams can come true. One high school student goes against his whole townw, and never gave up on himself. I would highly recommend you to watch this movie now!

My Rating: 4.5/5

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Last Airbender

Movie: The Last Airbender
Theater Release Date: July 1, 2010

          Being a huge fan of the series on Nickelodeon as a pre-teen, i told myself that I had to see this movie. I was going in with pretty low expectations since it was one of Shyamalan's  movies however the $150 million dollar budget convinced me that it was going to be good. Boy was i wrong....
           THE PROS
        Dev Patel and Shaun Toub actually grabbed my attention. They provided good acting when clearly Noah Ringer couldn't. This movie would've been a lot better if it was focused on these two actors.
           THE CONS
       To start off, the movie has a horrendous script. Seriously i think that a 10 year old could have written a better script. At one part I think i heard Nicola Peltz narrarate "Aang took us to the southern air temple...." then a few minutes later, she says "Whats your name?" Also they had trouble pronouncing the words "Aang" and "Avatar" frequently putting and removing emphasis on the A.
        Aside from Dev Patel and Shaun Toub, the actors are fucking terrible. They look soo uninterested and probably dont know their script. Noah Ringer's acting during the speech to earthbenders was uninspiring and certainly dull and bland. Rathbone and Peltz did no better as their part in the start of the movie was terrible.
        The effects were soooooo cheesy in this movie. I think at one time it took 5 earthbenders to move a pebble across the screen. The water bending is clearly animated, and the airbending just felt like, "Bleh".When the earthbenders revolt back, You can clearly see that the boy is waiting for that fire to hit him and just standing there.
     With a great plot and a huge budget to work with, this movie had the potential to become another Lord of the Rings series. However stale acting, terrible plot, and cheesy effects kept it from even reaching the Narnia level. The story should've been focused with Dev Patel. This movie easily wins the Biggest Dissapointment Award of 2010.

Rating: 1/5 Just watch the parts with Dev Patel and Shaun Toub and save yourself from the rest.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Title: Skyline
Theatrical Release: November 11, 2010

     Yet another alien invasion movie, however this is one that you should stay far away from. In the previews, Skyline may look like one of those cool alien invasion movies, however it fails in almost every aspect except for the effects.
      THE PROS
The effects were very good in this movie. The aliens looked real and so did the spaceships everything else.
      THE CONS
Usually alien invasion movies arent generally the best but they are appealing to watch. Not this one. Skyline left out some key points which made the movie very confusing. First off all, the main character gets powers because he stared into a blue light. These powers include super strength. However everyone else that looked into that blue light didn't get turned into a superhero. This makes the story very unpleasant for me because i had that thought in the back of my mind while watching this.
      Skyline also had a very hard time introducing characters. theres a tleast 6 characters the movie focuses on and they almost hardly use their names. It caused me to call the characters, "That black guy" and "the white dude with the black hair".
      The ending was what killed the movie for me. We learn that all the aliens are doing is killing people and making them into monsters. This makes no sense, why would they need to take the trouble of bringing them up the blue light and killing them in their spaceship? The aliens could have easily just knocked down the hotel building  the characters were in, recover their bodies, take out their brain, and insert into monster body. I Smell PLOT HOLE
       Speaking of the plot, it is focused on one thing. ESCAPE. however there is no escaping ever because everyone dies in the end except for the girl. I absolutely hate movies that end like that. To me, everyone dying is just a middle finger to the face.
       We never really attach to the characters like we did in other alien movies. for example in cloverfield, I became attached to the characters hoping they would survive and not die and that the monster was killed. In Skyline, i felt like i just didn't give a shit about the characters. In fact i wanted them to die so this movie would end.There was an attempt to make a romantic relationship between "The white guy with black hair" and the girl hes dating however i feel like that failed because the only romantic part was at the end. To me it felt like these characters had just met and started to go out in a cutscene. Skyline failed to make the characters likeable which resulted in a bad rest of the movie
   When Skyline comes out on dvd, i advise you to say as far away from this movie as you can. Skyline lacks the inspiring feeling that most aliens invasion movies have today. Its bland and doesn't contain the intensity that most action movies have. The Movie makes the characters unlikeable which ultimately led to this movies downfall.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dont take a movie critics word for it!

Ahh the internet, created in 1989 by various people. Back then the internet was barley used and was not very widespread as it is. Also it was SLOW AS HELL!!! Now a days, you'd have to be living in a cave if you had a dial-up connection. People use the internet every day for work, school, social networks, music, buying items, and yes porn. But what do movies have to show for the Internet?

The word "Critic" stems from the word criticize which means to INDICATE THE FAULTS of something. A critic must try to review a movie poorly because its their job. Since the internet became mainstream in the 2000's, people have been going on movie sites checking to see what critics say about a movie before a person watches it. Most people end up going on Rotten Tomatoes to see if the movie got above a 70%. It the movie is declared as "Fresh" people think that the movie is amazing no matter what just because a critic said it was. When a movie is declared "Rotten" people watch the movie with a bad attitude already thinking it's going to suck. Some people go as far as to not watch the movie at all and telling others it was terrible. This isn't giving movies with a low budget a fair chance.

I'm not saying all movies are good, (ex. The Last Airbender, Skyline) my point is just that when people say a movie is bad, they only point out faults a critic said because they were completely biased when watching the movie because of a review they read.

So please everyone, your free to speak you own opinion, and give all movies a chance.....
                 Except for Shyamalan's movies

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Welcome to Unbiased Film Reviews, a blog by a 15 year old teen in High School who will be reviewing the latest movies that I decide to see. The main reason I created this is because my friends and I watch movies very often and I want to express my opinion. Another reason I created this is because of my hate for those stupid movie critics. I hope you enjoy my reviews and I hope I'll remember that I made this blog...