Friday, December 10, 2010

The Last Airbender

Movie: The Last Airbender
Theater Release Date: July 1, 2010

          Being a huge fan of the series on Nickelodeon as a pre-teen, i told myself that I had to see this movie. I was going in with pretty low expectations since it was one of Shyamalan's  movies however the $150 million dollar budget convinced me that it was going to be good. Boy was i wrong....
           THE PROS
        Dev Patel and Shaun Toub actually grabbed my attention. They provided good acting when clearly Noah Ringer couldn't. This movie would've been a lot better if it was focused on these two actors.
           THE CONS
       To start off, the movie has a horrendous script. Seriously i think that a 10 year old could have written a better script. At one part I think i heard Nicola Peltz narrarate "Aang took us to the southern air temple...." then a few minutes later, she says "Whats your name?" Also they had trouble pronouncing the words "Aang" and "Avatar" frequently putting and removing emphasis on the A.
        Aside from Dev Patel and Shaun Toub, the actors are fucking terrible. They look soo uninterested and probably dont know their script. Noah Ringer's acting during the speech to earthbenders was uninspiring and certainly dull and bland. Rathbone and Peltz did no better as their part in the start of the movie was terrible.
        The effects were soooooo cheesy in this movie. I think at one time it took 5 earthbenders to move a pebble across the screen. The water bending is clearly animated, and the airbending just felt like, "Bleh".When the earthbenders revolt back, You can clearly see that the boy is waiting for that fire to hit him and just standing there.
     With a great plot and a huge budget to work with, this movie had the potential to become another Lord of the Rings series. However stale acting, terrible plot, and cheesy effects kept it from even reaching the Narnia level. The story should've been focused with Dev Patel. This movie easily wins the Biggest Dissapointment Award of 2010.

Rating: 1/5 Just watch the parts with Dev Patel and Shaun Toub and save yourself from the rest.

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