Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dont take a movie critics word for it!

Ahh the internet, created in 1989 by various people. Back then the internet was barley used and was not very widespread as it is. Also it was SLOW AS HELL!!! Now a days, you'd have to be living in a cave if you had a dial-up connection. People use the internet every day for work, school, social networks, music, buying items, and yes porn. But what do movies have to show for the Internet?

The word "Critic" stems from the word criticize which means to INDICATE THE FAULTS of something. A critic must try to review a movie poorly because its their job. Since the internet became mainstream in the 2000's, people have been going on movie sites checking to see what critics say about a movie before a person watches it. Most people end up going on Rotten Tomatoes to see if the movie got above a 70%. It the movie is declared as "Fresh" people think that the movie is amazing no matter what just because a critic said it was. When a movie is declared "Rotten" people watch the movie with a bad attitude already thinking it's going to suck. Some people go as far as to not watch the movie at all and telling others it was terrible. This isn't giving movies with a low budget a fair chance.

I'm not saying all movies are good, (ex. The Last Airbender, Skyline) my point is just that when people say a movie is bad, they only point out faults a critic said because they were completely biased when watching the movie because of a review they read.

So please everyone, your free to speak you own opinion, and give all movies a chance.....
                 Except for Shyamalan's movies

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